When you shut off your kitchen's faucet, you may have noticed a loud bang, followed by a vibration that affects your faucet's spigot. If so, you most likely have what is called water hammer in your pipes, which can be caused by one of the following three issues.
Valve Is Closing Too Fast
When your home's plumbing system is working correctly, the valves will open and close at a slow, steady rate.
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Three Reasons To Heat Your Home With Fuel Oil
When it comes to heating one's home, there are many options to consider, and with each option, comes a host of other factors to consider in order to determine the best method for your situation. While heating with the power of the sun and solar panels is a great idea, in theory, it's not an option that will work in every climate.
For example, the cold and snowy bitter winters in New England and the Great Lakes regions would be hard-pressed to make it through the season with simply solar energy.
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Three Key Things You Can Do To Keep Your Air Conditioner From Freezing Up
Air conditioners should not "freeze up." This is an unusual situation, but thankfully one that can be remedied. Before you call an HVAC contractor to come fix the situation, try one of the following DIY tricks and helpful tips to unfreeze your air conditioner.
Find out If the Air Conditioner Is Level
If your air conditioner is suddenly sitting on an awkward slab, that may be the reason. All air conditioning units have to be fairly level in order to work and drain properly.
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When And How To Replace An Air Filter
Heating and cooling your home can be expensive. If you are reliant on central air, you are really at the mercy of your major appliances, specifically the condenser and the furnace. If they are not running efficiently, your electricity bills will spike. While most people regularly call HVAC technicians from companies like Marcotte Air Heat & Refrigeration to service their appliances and perform major repairs, you might be able to make some basic repairs on your own.
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