Your HVAC system helps to keep your home at the right temperature throughout the year. Installing a new HVAC system can be really expensive, which is why it is important to take steps to reduce the wear to your system so that you can get as many years of usage as possible out of it.
#1: Upgrade Your Thermostat
If you have had your air conditioning system for over a decade, there is a good chance that you have an older style manual thermostat, where you have to move a little dial in order to set the temperature.
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Faulty AC Fan Motor? How to Get Your AC Working Again
If your AC isn't blowing cool air or if the airflow is weak, there might be a problem with the fan motor. A central air conditioning system usually has two fans. One controls the blower in the air handler and the other controls the fan in the condenser. Here's how to tell if one of these fans is malfunctioning and how an air conditioning repair technician might deal with a bad motor.
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What's That Sound Coming From My Furnace?
If there's a sound coming from your HVAC unit, chances are you should stand up and take notice. These systems generally operate in total silence, circulating warm and cold air throughout your house at the appropriate times.
A loud sound coming from your furnace should warrant at least an inspection, and if necessary, a call to a heating repair service. The last thing you want is for your unit to go out in the middle of the winter, leaving you and your family without the necessary heat to stay warm.
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Information About Commercial Refrigeration Systems
If you are in need of a commercial refrigerator for your business, then you might find yourself wondering about some factors regarding the process of having one put in and what it can involve afterward. Here are things you may be wondering about regarding commercial refrigeration and information to help you become better informed:
How can you afford the expense of a new commercial refrigerator as a new business?
If your business is new, then you may be concerned about how you can afford to take care of everything else you have to and still be able to purchase a commercial refrigeration system.
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