Air Conditioner refrigerant leaks are rare, but that doesn't mean they can't happen. Unfortunately, refrigerant leaks can really affect your air conditioner's performance. As such, you should call an air conditioning repair service to solve the issue immediately after you spot the following signs.
Long Cooling Cycles
An AC system with a refrigerant leak will take longer to cool your space. The leak might be small, but the reduced refrigerant levels will reduce the efficiency of your AC unit.
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3 Possible Reasons Why Your AC Is Not Working
Whenever you turn your AC on, you expect it to work effectively by controlling the temperatures. But, sometimes it may fail to turn on, which could be frustrating. AC failure could result from many things, including old age and faulty internal components.
Also, some problems may be insignificant, while others may be advanced. If this is your situation, you need a reliable AC repair expert to identify the issue and suggest the best remedy.
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3 Professional AC Maintenance Procedures That Guard Against Allergies
If you or one of your family members suffers from allergies, you should keep your household allergen-free to protect them from flare-ups. And since your AC unit is responsible for purifying your indoor air, you should keep it in good working order, so it fulfills this role. In this article, you'll discover three professional AC maintenance procedures that guard your household against allergies.
Outdoor Unit Cleaning
While there are many potential triggers for allergies, one of the most common is exposure to dust and other airborne particles.
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Why Is My AC's Power Bill High?—AC Repair Tips To Save You Money
Do you suspect your AC is the source of your high energy bills? You could be right. As one of the biggest appliances in a home, the AC unit should be suspected whenever there is a spike in power bills. You should invite AC repair services to look at the appliance and fix whatever is ailing it. Here are several reasons your power bill is high and how to fix them so you can spend more time enjoying the comfort of your home and less time paying for it!
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