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4 Ways To Reduce Wear On Your HVAC System

Your HVAC system helps to keep your home at the right temperature throughout the year. Installing a new HVAC system can be really expensive, which is why it is important to take steps to reduce the wear to your system so that you can get as many years of usage as possible out of it.

#1: Upgrade Your Thermostat

If you have had your air conditioning system for over a decade, there is a good chance that you have an older style manual thermostat, where you have to move a little dial in order to set the temperature. This type of thermostat works but is not the most effective style of the thermostat.

If you want to enjoy the most comfortable temperatures inside of your home, and ensure your system only runs when it needs to, you are going to want to install a programmable thermostat. With a programmable thermostat, you can set a schedule for your HVAC system so that the temperature adjusts to fit the needs of your home.

A programmable thermostat will reduce how often you use your system and should reduce some of the wear and tear your system experiences.

#2: Change the HVAC Filter

Second, it is important to stay on top of changing the HVAC filter. The HVAC filter helps to remove dust from your system and improves the quality of air in your home. When the filter is clogged, the consequences can be serious for your system. A clogged filter can stress out your system and cause a host of operating issues. These can be solved by simply changing out the filter every few months.

#3: Schedule a Yearly Inspection

Another great way to reduce the wear on your air conditioning system is by scheduling a yearly inspection. With a yearly inspection, you will get a professional to look over your system. They will be able to identify any performance issues with your system before they result in serious damage and require serious repairs. Making small repairs over time can greatly extend the life of your system.

#4: Check the Insulation

Fourth, you can reduce the strain on your system by improving the insulation in your home. You can add insulation to the ductwork to ensure the air maintains its desired temperature as it travels through your home. You can also add more insulation to your attic and change out weather stripping around doors to improve the overall insulation of your home. A better-insulated home can hold heat more effectively, resulting in less usage and less wear to your HVAC system.

You can get more usage out of your HVAC system if you upgrade to a programmable thermostat, change the filter every few months, schedule a yearly inspection, and improve the insulation in your home. All of these steps will improve the performance and longevity of your HVAC system.
